Quality Review of the Multiple-choice Questions used in the 2017 Commercial Law Mid-term Exams

  • María Victoria Rainero Docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la UCASAL.
Keywords: exams, multiple-choice questions, quality Index


The chair of the Commercial Law Department of the Law School at Salta Catholic University implemented written multiple-choice exams to assess full-time students as from 2013. In 2018, the Galofré Index was applied to review the quality of the questions used in two different mid-term exams of the previous academic year. Of the 100 questions assessed, only 32 per cent were considered acceptable, establishing a low exam quality rate. The findings in both exams showed that the most common problems regarding the questions were the lack of sufficient case studies and the predominance of memory and recall questions. It was concluded that the faculty should receive training in question design in order to improve exam quality. 


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Author Biography

María Victoria Rainero, Docente en la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la UCASAL.

Abogada, egresada de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, con Honores. Obtuvo las distinciones “Egresado Sobresaliente” y “Premio Universidad”.  Mediadora. Profesora Universitaria. Docente por concurso en la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la UCASAL desde el año 1999 a la fecha. Ha escrito varios artículos y ponencias, algunos publicados y premiados en Congresos. Se ha desempeñado en el Poder Judicial de Córdoba. Actualmente ejerce la profesión de abogada como mandataria de entidades financieras. Ha participado en cursos y seminarios como asistente y disertante.


How to Cite
Rainero, M. V. (2019). Quality Review of the Multiple-choice Questions used in the 2017 Commercial Law Mid-term Exams. Cuadernos Universitarios, 12(XII), 93-103. Retrieved from http://507278.xhf3dhut3.asia/index.php/CU/article/view/270